The Zeus Arc is a sleek herbal vaporizer with an innovative stainless steel heating chamber and vapor path. It is easy to use, offers different temperature profiles, has an accelerometer and a powerful battery.

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By Vapospy Team on January 4, 2023 -
Updated on September 16, 2024

The Zeus Arc is a simple palm-sized vaporizer that produces impressive vapor thanks to the stainless steel inner parts and carefully selected preset temperatures and modes.

Designed in Germany, the device stands 3.43 inches tall and fits in any pocket. The Zeus Arc is straightforward to use, and it comes with an accelerometer that detects the user’s motions and draws.

Most importantly, the Zeus Arc has a battery stronger than regular smartphones. As a result, you can share great sessions with anyone you like.

The Zeus Arc is a tiny powerhouse with unique features tailored to your herbal needs, and it has a golden twin; the ZEUS Arc GT.

Less is More

The Zeus Arc comes with a minimalist design; from the outside, it is a sleek, buttonless-looking device, but like humans, the inside matters.

Engineered with accessibility in mind, the Zeus Arc comes packed with multiple technologies, such as the accelerometer, haptic feedback, and the possibility of a firmware update. Moreover, it has a built-in multi-tool for stirring your chamber whenever possible without fear of losing the tool.

Stainless Steel Chamber and Air Path

Only so many devices use the same heating chamber and air path material. The closest would be its golden version, the ZEUS Arc GT. Other than that, there is the DaVinci IQ and the DaVinci MIQRO, which utilizes ceramic zirconium as chamber and air-path.

The best thing about this feature is the better-tasting vapor, as there would be no contamination and no glass pieces that might break for the Zeus Arc vaporizer.

Different Temperature Options

The Zeus Arc comes with three preset temperatures with the possibility of manual adjustment by choosing the heating profile from the firmware. You’ll need to connect the Zeus Arc to a computer to upgrade to different profiles and find the one that works best for you.

All the temperatures are suitable for herbal vaporizing, and the feature brings the extra power of customization. You can see the latest settings by checking the updated Zeus Arc firmware.

Powerful Unit

The Zeus Arc heats up in 80 seconds and features a massive 3500mAh battery that continuously lasts up to 90 minutes.

As the device comes with 10-minute sessions, you may have up to ten more sessions if you turn it off before the time is up. Meanwhile, the unit limits the accelerometer to the first 3 minutes upon activation to save the battery.

Zeus Arc Video

In the following video, you can see the Zeus Arc in action and how portable the device is.

What’s in the box?

  • 1x Zeus Arc Vaporizer
  • 1x USB Charging Cable
  • 5x Zeus grime wipes
  • 5x Zeus cleaning bristles
  • 1x Glass spacer screen
  • 1x Zeus pipe cleaning tool
  • 5x Cleaning cotton buds


  • Brand / ManufacturerZeus
  • Portability: Portable Vaporizer
  • Features:
  • Usage: Dry Herbs
  • Heating Technique: Conduction
  • Temperature control:Preset Temperatures
  • Energy Source: Battery
  • Average battery life:90 minutes
  • Delivery Method:Direct
  • Chamber/oven material:Stainless steel
  • Origin: Germany
  • Temperature Settings:3 settings: 365°F, 401°F and 437°F
  • Heat-up time:80 seconds
  • Size:8.7 x 4.2 x 2.2 cm
  • Battery capacity:3500 mAh
  • Chamber capacity:0.3 grams
  • Warranty:3 year(s)
  • Other features:
    • Stainless steel air-path and heating chamber
    • Upgradable firmware
    • Accelerometer

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